Perfect Charging

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Perfect Charging

Energy Analysis and Consulting we identify saving potentials in your forklift truck fleet

Energy analysis reduces operating costs of your forklift fleet 

As part of our energy analysis we identify which saving potentials are hidden in your forklift truck fleet. We optimise your total costs of ownership, minimise your risks and increase your performance. Become best in TCO with us!  

We analyse your current situation independent of manufacturer and technology and show you possible savings and optimisation potentials. Always with the aim of reducing your costs and increasing the availability and performance of your forklift fleet. Based on the identified potentials we support you with regard to charging processes, battery technologies and network solutions. 

Become best in TCO with us

Minimise risiks

By optimising your battery pool and battery technology, you can actively reduce the operating risk in you forklift truck fleet.

Increase efficiency

In close coordination with you, we develop customised integrated solutions for more efficiency in your intralogistics.

Reduce costs

We analyse your current situation and identify potential savings in your forklift fleet.

How we reveal Saving potentials in your forklift fleet?

Analysis of the actual situation

We ascertain the actual situation of your business and focus in particular on the composition of your forklift fleet, the routes of your trucks as well as the structural conditions. In order to understand your requirements in the best possible way, together with you we dive deep into your workflows and processes and generate a detailed walk-through protocol. 

TCO calculation

By calculating the total cost of ownership (TCO) of the drive technology for forklift trucks (lead-acid / lithium-ion / combustion engine / hydrogen), we generate a transparent summary and highlight the respective strengths and weaknesses.

Reveal Saving Potentials

We reveal saving potentials for different areas, company locations and individual departments and show you which optimisation measures are reasonable at which point and when. 

Present Recommendations

Based on our findings, we provide recommendations and suggestions with regard to drive technology, positioning of charging points or charging infrastructure. In addition, we create simulations of your energy consumption, break times of your forklift fleet and present cumulated charging profiles. 

Customised Planning and realisation

Our project business experts can also support you with the further implementation steps. We plan and realise charging stations and charging spaces adapted to your needs and the results of the analysis. In this way, you get the optimal result of our energy analysis and at the same time save time and money. Find your customised charging solution

Contact us for a first energy consultation!

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